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Wednesday, February 3


pada hari yang tersangatlah panas ini,
5 orang daripada pelajar kelas 5A telah membentangkan
multimedia presentation mereka.
1. rica samsul
wahlao!! punya lawa dia punya presentation.
very very smart ni. bikin panas. lol
(although she didnt put 'exit' button into her slides )
everyone was WOW-ing her hardwork.
included me!!! bwahahaha!! o(^O^)o

2. louis DS
lawa la dia punya presentation. o(^O^)b
saya suka tengok font dia.
kalau font dia besar ckit lagi ok.
macam saya mau tiru dia punya font ni, tapi tiapa la.
i want to be original okay!!
tapi saya tatap suka!! (ehem no scandal ar!!)

3. boniface cosmas
his presentation was quite nice~~
especially the interface slide.
font still contrast.
but something wrong with his slides' background.
tapi saya memang suka "english" beliau. lol
macam slang slang american ni.

4. farah shaqhirah
her video is amazingly fascinating!! o(^-^)o
science rules!!!!
saya pun tida tau mana dia cari gambargambar malnutrition.
smart yang gila gila ni XDXDXD
and i like the way she represented her multimedia~~
simple, calm & cute o(^-^)b

5. azizi raymi
overall boleh la dikatakan ok.
slide background dia pun cute ni,
ada cute kitten & dog!!
cuma satu saya tidak puas hati.
i dislike his button background. lol
i mean, he can put any nice backgrounds instead of alam semulajadi's background.

then a conflict occured. he didn't satisfy my comment.
i said "i dislike your button backgrounds."
dislike didn't mean i hate him ;
or hate his multimedia presentation
(i think he was good at explaining)
dislike didn't mean his buttons are ugly.
i just don't like it, that's all.
tiada maksud tersirat. but he thinks too much about it.
until he cried & i think he yelled at me. (maybe la)
"kalau ko nda suka ko jangan comment"

whatever. it's my mouth. not yours okay.
i'm trying to be honest. fren fren rite??
logically even i didn't make any comments,
i'm pretty sure the teachers will remark
about your button backgrounds too.
so no need to put any hatred to me okay.
please be open-minded.

1. those who didn't represent their multimedia today,
please prepare yourself ya. cikgucikgu akan menjadi lebih
strict dalam tu judgement.
2. do not do last-minute things. even today was presentation day
but i found some of 5A students still editing their videos.
and they even edit their slides when the presentation was going on.
saya pun ada la tolong si debra untuk edit animation slides dia.
3. if you don't want to get bad comments you should make
your presentation paling manang! ngerti gak??
paling manang!!!!
i hope my multimedia presentation will get
many WOWs like rica did.
and less bad comments. lol

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